CRIME List Issues II

From: George Heuston (georgeh@private)
Date: Fri Dec 14 2001 - 08:22:31 PST

  • Next message: Goldschmidt, Bob: "CRIME Experience With Webtrends Firewall Analysis and Security Manager Tools?"

    Folks, I sent this out a couple of times previously, and it never hit the
    list.  So we'll try from here.  If the other posts come through, treat as
    These are guidelines, not rules.  More reminders than anything else:
    0)  Be polite.
    1)  To subscribe/unsubscribe, goto
    2)  Do not post more than once every 4 hours on a particular thread.  This
    prevents 2-3 people threads from filling the list with personal
    attacks/issues.  Also it allows people who are not reading email
    concurrently join in the conversation rather than feel left behind.
    3)  Read all the list mail before replying.  Often issues/questions are
    answered in minutes, this can cut down on repeat answers.
    4)  Cut and trim replies.
    5)  Be succinct.  Brevity is the soul of virtue.  While this is diffult for
    some technical topics and some technical people (lawyers) it helps
    6)  Do not get personal on the list See #0.
    7)  Do not reply to the list unless you deem it necessary for everyone to
    read it versus the person(s) in the thread.
    8)  Do not repost private email sent to you onto the list without
    9)  Think before posting.
    10)  Learn to utilize your email client tools-- things like filters and
    folders are a godsend.

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