CRIME Meeting - HPD rollout of Reserve Specialist Program - Tues, 12 March 2002 @ Verizon Airtouch @ 10AM

From: George Heuston (GeorgeH@private)
Date: Wed Mar 06 2002 - 10:42:28 PST

  • Next message: George Heuston: "CRIME FW: NIPC DAILY REPORT FOR 7 MARCH 2002"

    Chief Ron Louie, Hillsboro Police Department, and his staff,  will present
    on the topic of "Police Reserve Specialists--A police-private sector
    partnership to enhance response and investigative capabilities in a post-911
     Discussions will include:
    *	Why a Police Reserve Specialist?
    *	What is a PRS?
    *	What is the PRS's Status?
    *	What would a PRS do?
    *	What Training/Orientation for the PRS?
    The intent of this presentation is to foster discussions and input that will
    take the PRS program forward to implementation.
    Directions to the meeting:
    See you there!

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