Re: CRIME Perspective on Criticisms leveled at Microsoft

From: Seth Arnold (sarnold@private)
Date: Wed Apr 10 2002 - 09:57:15 PDT

  • Next message: Seth Arnold: "Re: CRIME Perspective on Criticisms leveled at Microsoft"

    On Tue, Apr 09, 2002 at 04:30:37PM -0700, Crispin Cowan wrote:
    > I think you are misconstruing what I was saying. I know that UNIX is 
    > waaay too difficult for your mom/receptionist/CEO to use.
    As an aside, every time anyone makes this claim, I like to point out
    that the original use of Unix[1] was actually secretaries writing
    documents. I hope that we, as a species, haven't lost our adaptability
    to new techniques, or even old techniques. :)
    [1]: Discounting the Space Trek game that was the actual driving force
    behind the very first version of Unix... :)

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