CRIME disturbing article / trend

From: Adam Lipson (AdamL@private)
Date: Thu Apr 11 2002 - 14:46:56 PDT

  • Next message: George Heuston: "CRIME RE: Report: Al Qaeda e-mail warns of attack"

    Given the following article:
    Does anyone know of any legal efforts to stop companies such as Microsoft
    from collecting this sort of data on customers or are we truly at the mercy
    of privacy statements and terms of usage clauses that realistically we have
    no way of reading?  In reading this article on "The Register" I have once
    again become alarmed by the abilities of companies to collect information
    that may or may not be tied to a user ID.  We the consumer are almost
    helpless to protect ourselves simply because there are not enough hours in
    the day to screen every product that we use for invasions on our right to
    privacy.  If the government wished to do this would they not need a court
    order to wire tap our connection which apparently is very difficult to get.
    I know this sounds naive, but why don't companies such as marketing firms,
    Microsoft etc  need some sort of license to collect personal data on all of
    I am not that worried about big brother watching me, I am more worried about
    the ethics involved and at what point is the consumer protected?  I am sorry
    if this is off topic, but it seems to fit in the same vein as UCITA in that
    it effects all our lives in computing.

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