RE: Oh, the irony. (Was Re: CRIME NIPC DAILY REPORT: 18 APRIL,2002)

From: Steve Parker (steve@private)
Date: Thu Apr 18 2002 - 10:13:09 PDT

  • Next message: register@private: "CRIME A article from tellner@private"

    On Thu, 18 Apr 2002, James Wilcox wrote:
    > Jere,
    > Whatever you might think of Peter Tippett (I think he is mostly on), you
    > might find this of interest (at the risk of copy violation, I have excerpted
    > and provided the URL to the entire article):
    > I would argue that the likelihood of success of sniffing somewhere between
    > your home or office and an e-commerce Web server is incredibly low, perhaps
    > as low as 106 (meaning the likelihood of success would be one in 100,000
    > sniffing attempts).
    [Big Snip]
    So all those people whose HTTP basic authentication credentials, FTP
    passwords, telnet passwords, Yahoo Messenger messages, etc have been
    captured by my employer's corporate IDS should feel better now?
    Honestly, your point is well taken.  The likelihood of a script kiddie in
    Belgium having the ability to sniff particular connections at will is
    extremely low.  However, there are many more people to worry about than
    script kiddies in Belgium.

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