Re: CRIME Kerberos summation.

From: Toby (toby@private)
Date: Thu Jul 18 2002 - 12:03:33 PDT

  • Next message: Alan: "Re: CRIME Secure Linux in Russia"

    Shaun Savage writes:
    > Hash: SHA1
    > The problem that I see is the the public workstation is "not secure"
    > ~ and having the community carry "secure eletronic ID" would cost too
    > much to impliment.   This would rule out public key systems,    so the
    > login ID and password is the best for this semi secure enviroment.  I
    > would like a system that has fine grain Access Control per user.  
    > I was thinking about using kerberos different services for the access
    > control.    
    A "secure electronic ID" could be nothing more than a floppy with your
    private key on it, encrypted with a symmetric key based on a long
    I know people who do this with their PGP keys...

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