CRIME Salem Talk (Today, Wed)

From: Zot O'Connor (zot@private)
Date: Wed Jul 24 2002 - 10:38:09 PDT

  • Next message: Wanja Eric Naef [IWS]: "CRIME FW: [INFOCON] - NIST Draft on Wireless Network Security: 802.11, Bluetooth, and Handheld Devices"

    [I know this is last minute, but if there's anyone in Salem who might be
    Zot O'Connor on Wireless Hacking
    Wednesday July 24, 2002
    12:00-3:00 PM
    Basement Conference Room B
    Public Service Building
    255 Capitol St. NE
    Salem, OR 97310
    Totally Freeimages/pizza_sign_.gif
    Don't forget the SNUG Pizza and Pop Lunch / Round table Session.
    Come have free pizza and pop on SNUG and visit with other Salem network
    professionals while you have lunch.
    Zot O'Connor

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