This made me giggle. I thought y'all might like it too. ----------Forwarded message ---------- Delivered-To: toby@private Came across this while going over the web sites I try to keep abreast of.. This is Tesla's (Alan Cox's wife's) website: and her meta-diary of Alan's Diary. In it, we have: "August 27th Everyone else has linked already, probably, but I shall join in: Xach has been engaged in a surreal correspondence with someone attempting to get him into the Nigerian 419 scam. The stage at which he fears someone may be eavesdropping and starts using pig-Latin to fool them is surpassed only by "Hello from Kuala Lumpur! I am on the way to Togo to do business with you. I am so excited! Can you tell me how I get to Togo from here?" This is a reference to: This is *too* funny! There's even some pictures (apparently real) of "Dr.Abed Solomon" and his family!
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