Yeah, a spoofed email is very likely. I dunno has anything shown up in the news about this? I didn't see anything. Do a lookup on the IP from the mail headers. While it too may be spoofed, a lot of lame-ass hackers don't even do that (or don't know how). So you can trace it back to their home DSL account or something like that. Then you know its BS. Moreover, you might want to contact their ISP and have their account terminated. However, if the IP traces back to a UBID server, then they may have been clever enough to forge the IP as well. At that point, the hack is a little more involved and should summon more attention. ------------------------------------ Andrew Plato, CISSP President / Principal Consultant Anitian Corporation (503) 644-5656 office (503) 201-0821 cell ------------------------------------ > -----Original Message----- > From: Seth Arnold [mailto:sarnold@private] > Sent: Friday, September 13, 2002 12:12 PM > To: 'Owner-Crime' > Subject: Re: CRIME Ubid Hacked...? > > > On Fri, Sep 13, 2002 at 10:30:53AM -0700, Robert Johnston wrote: > > I suspect some credit card information has been compromised as well. > > I suspect someone simply forged the email to appear as if it came from > uBid. That takes absolutely no effort. >
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