CRIME FW: [Cyber_threats] Daily News 09/20/02

From: George Heuston (GeorgeH@private)
Date: Fri Sep 20 2002 - 09:22:22 PDT

  • Next message: Crispin Cowan: "Re: CRIME OpenSSH 3.4p1 cleartext Password Vulnurability"

    -----Original Message-----
    From: NIPC Watch [mailto:nipcwatch@private] 
    Sent: Friday, September 20, 2002 7:27 AM
    To: Cyber Threats
    Subject: [Cyber_threats] Daily News 09/20/02
    September 18, Microsoft - Microsoft Security Bulletin - MS02-051.
    Cryptographic Flaw in RDP Protocol Can Lead to Information Disclosure. The
    Remote Data Protocol (RDP) provides the means by which Windows systems can
    provide remote terminal sessions to clients. The protocol transmits
    information regarding a terminal sessions' keyboard, mouse and video to the
    remote client, and is used by Terminal Services in Windows NT 4.0 and
    Windows 2000, and by Remote Desktop in Windows XP. Two security
    vulnerabilities, both of which are eliminated by this patch, have been
    discovered in various RDP implementations. Source:
    September 18, Microsoft - Microsoft Security Bulletin - MS02-052. Flaw in
    Microsoft VM JDBC Classes Could Allow Code Execution. The Microsoft VM is a
    virtual machine for the Win32® operating environment. The Microsoft VM
    shipped in most versions of Windows (a complete list is available in the
    FAQ), as well as in most versions of Internet Explorer. It also was
    available for some time as a separate download. A new patch for the
    Microsoft VM is available, which eliminates three security vulnerabilities.
    The attack vectors for all of them would likely be the same. An attacker
    would likely create a web page that, when opened, exploits the desired
    vulnerability, and either host it on a web page or send it to a user as an
    HTML mail. Source:
    Virus: #1 Virus in USA: PE_FUNLOVE.4099
    Source:, Trend World Micro Virus
    Tracking Center [Infected Computers, North America, Past 24 hours, #1 in
    United States]
    Top 10 Target Ports
    80(http); 1433(ms-sql-s); 2002; 21(ftp); 139(netbios-ssn); 6348; 25(smtp);
    445(microsoft-ds); 111(sunrpc); 6346(morpheus);
    Source:; Internet Storm Center
    Cyber_Threats mailing list

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