Re: CRIME Driveby DOS

From: Seth Arnold (sarnold@private)
Date: Mon Oct 21 2002 - 17:33:07 PDT

  • Next message: Kuo, Jimmy: "RE: CRIME Just Passing This Along"

    On Mon, Oct 21, 2002 at 04:17:09PM -0700, Jere Retzer wrote:
    > Have there been any cases of wireless networks being exploited to
    > launch DOS attacks? I've heard of driveby spam but not DOS. What's
    > the likelihood of this becoming an issue?
    It would look identical to the receiving end, no? They would still call
    up the source ISP, who would either just drop packets from the offending
    user or call the user up first and bother him that way... I don't see it
    being a big issue, at least not significantly different from the ISP's
    > Would someone who operates an insecure wireless network potentially
    > be liable if their network were used to launch such an attack?
    How about insecure wired networks? What is a definition of a secure
    network anyway? Does someone's network qualify at a specific instant in
    time, or in general? How much bandwidth does that person have to have
    before they can be held liable?
    Nah, I'd rather not go down that route. If people want to share their
    access point with their neighbors, all the better. :)
    Outlook users: please do not put my email address in your address book.
    This way, when you get infected with a virus, my address won't appear in
    the From: header. Thanks.

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