That is a good survey, I just read it the other night. I have two comments on it: 1. The report seems to underscore the need for integration and management of security issues...aka customer service. Support and service is abysmal in the security space. I like to point to the pathetic state of most technical documentation as ample proof of that. Companies hire desktop publishers and journalism students to provide technical manuals on highly complex security systems. The result is material that isn't even worth the paper it is printed on. 2. Once again this article states how some company has this "new idea" called intrusion prevention systems (IPS). RealSecure Guard (formerly BlackICE Guard) pre-dates Hogwash and all the other "new" IPS systems by almost 3 years. I was installing and tuning these systems in 2000, when Hogwash was still just an interesting idea on the Snort forums. This is not in deference to those other technologies, but merely to point out that IPS isn't new, it isn't a theory, and it does work. __________________________________ Andrew Plato, CISSP President / Principal Consultant Anitian Corporation 503-644-5656 Office 503-644-8574 Fax 503-201-0821 Mobile _______________________________ > -----Original Message----- > From: Wanja Eric Naef [IWS] [mailto:w.naef@private] > Sent: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 12:18 PM > To: crime@private > Subject: CRIME The Economist: Survey - digital security > > > > FYI, it is a really good survey which looks at all aspects of > Information Security. > > WEN >
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