CRIME Institute for Security Technology Studies

From: Andrew MacPherson (amacpherson@private)
Date: Thu Jan 23 2003 - 09:40:41 PST

  • Next message: Richardson, John: "RE: CRIME Article on Security in NY Times"

    Hi Folks,
    Just found your mailing list (on a referral from the Software
    Engineering Institute) and though that some of you might be interested
    in the Institute for Security Technology Studies (ISTS) daily open
    source intelligence brief.
    We started Security in the News (SITN) in 2001 because it was very hard
    for all of the researchers at the Institute to keep up with computer
    security related issues. To help ameliorate this problem we produced a
    daily internal brief that is designed as a general's overview of the
    day's security stories. 
    As these things often do the daily reports soon found their way outside
    the ISTS and the folks at SANS requested that they could publish the
    output daily. They have been doing so for quite a bit now. SITN is
    available from the ISTS web site or in email format.
    If you are interested the ISTS web site is at URL:
    and a direct link to SITN is at URL:
    For background - I am responsible for the Technical Analysis Group (TAG)
    at the ISTS. 
    The Technical Analysis Group (TAG) delivers research products that
    identify and address critical federal, state, and local law enforcement
    needs. TAG develops and coordinates law enforcement partnerships,
    alliances, and relationships nationally in support of the core mission
    of the Institute.
    Our most recent publication and ongoing research project is developing a
    National Research and Development Agenda for cyber attack investigative
    Andrew Macpherson
    Institute for Security Technology Studies 

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