CRIME Re: SQLSlammer Worm & IDSs

From: Scott C. Kennedy (sck@private)
Date: Wed Jan 29 2003 - 10:50:32 PST

  • Next message: Andrew Plato: "CRIME SQL Slammer & BlackICE"

    Andrew Plato wrote:
    > I am curious what people were seeing with SQL Slammer and their IDSs.
    > I've been collecting anecdotal evidence that Slammer flew right past
    > a lot of IDSs.
    > I know that Snort and BlackICE just reported UDP port probes. Snort
    > got a sig early Saturday morning however. RealSecure sensors had a
    > signature in September that seemed to worked.
    > I am curious what anybody running Cisco's IDS, Symantec Manhunt,
    > Enterasys Dragon, NFR, Intruvert, or any other IDS saw. Was it
    > identified as a worm or just a port probe?
    The NFRs we run reported the probe/attack as the following,
        Severity:           Attack
        Time:               21:27:51 24-Jan-2003
        Source File:        packages/mssql/sql2k.nfr
        Line:               29
        Alert ID:           mssql_sql2k:sqlserv_stackoverflow_alert
        Source ID:          mssql_sql2k:source_me
        Source:             mssql_sql2k:source_me
        Source Description: Sqlserver 2k overflow detector
        Source PID:         32152
        Alert Message:      Sql server stack overflow detected:
        216.65.99.XXX:1482 to 216.65.220.XXX:1434!
        Source IP:          216.65.99.XXX
        Destination IP:     216.65.220.XXX
    The alert itself was not as interesting as the 17,098 others we got in 
    the next 35 mins! :)
    Then on Saturday at 2:45pm PST, the NFR Rapid Response Team released an 
    update to their SQL package which seperately identified the worm from 
    the buffer overflow it detected the worm as..
     Scott C. Kennedy
     Lead Security Architect/ Director of Security
     Infosys Corporation
     Work: (877) 772-2347

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