Re: FW: CRIME Fwd: It was bound to happen: Bush-Iraq parody of Nigerian spam scam

From: Seth Arnold (sarnold@private)
Date: Thu Jan 30 2003 - 14:48:14 PST

  • Next message: tobyhush@private: "CRIME a different take on Total Information Awareness"

    > ---------------------------------------------
    > [....]
    What is this list's predilection towards passing on spam? Whether funny
    or not.... If there is enough demand, maybe someone would offer to host
    crime-spam, just for copies of these things. I know I get enough spam
    without folks on this list forwarding them around. (With this particular
    one, I only noticed it was forwarded deliberately to the list after my
    auto-complain script had started running on it. I rather hope I caught
    my script before it sent mails..)
    (In fact, if you'd like to see if a spam you got is novel or not, feel
    free to ask me for my spam mbox. It has 60M+ of crap in it now. I figure
    it must have one of everything by now.. (It compresses down to 16 megs
    or so, so it is evidently full of repetitive crap .. spammers aren't
    very creative, I guess.) :)
    "A mouse can be just as dangerous as a bullet or a bomb."
    -- US Representative Lamar Smith (R-Texas)

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