Re: CRIME SPAM promoting illegal activity

From: Todd Ellner (tellner@private)
Date: Tue Feb 18 2003 - 16:38:06 PST

  • Next message: Jacob Redding: "Re: CRIME SPAM promoting illegal activity"

    >I'm sure we have all experienced the growing flood of SPAM which 
    >increasingly contains objectionable material and invitations to Adult 
    >oriented sites. This is bad enough but, I've recently seen SPAM 
    >advertising websites which appear to promote child pornography. This has 
    >gone WAY beyond the annoyance level. 
    Hunting them down and hanging them over a slow fire sounds 
    like a good way to start. Hmm, does anyone know if Andrew
    Vachss is still in town? He could probably do a really interesting
    presentation on the rise of computers in that business.
    Lately I've been getting a lot of SPAM about things
    involving animals. Makes you want to put up a site full of stuff like
    box elder beetles making little box elder beetles, fish spawning, 
    earthworms mating, frogs croaking in a pond and see how many 
    people are willing to pay for them :-/ 

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