-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Tom/list, I thought carefully about whether I wanted to bother replying to this and reached the conclusion that I should clarify a couple things: 1. I never made any statements about my political opinions. I saw a website that had humorous content and some inflamatory content and thought I would pass it along. Be careful about making assumptions like that, some of us are just comfortable laughing at ourselves and so find jokes about Information Security (which is a topic for this list) hysterical. 2. I never suggested _in any way_ that I had a "mission in life" to piss anyone off. I added that as a warning so that people who were easily offended or didn't want to read tangental posts could just DELETE IT. Humor has been sent out to this list before and generally people just delete it when they don't want to read it. And since it had many images about Information Security, I didn't see it as completely unrelated. 3. You might want to be careful what sorts of email you send from your work account. Not only are you at risk of being called to task for mis-use of county assets but you might find some people will read your email as a statement from you representing your employer and that can be a bad thing. People have been fired for such things in the past and right now is bad time to try and find a job. That's why many of us read this (and other lists) from personal email accounts instead. I hope this addresses all your concerns. Please feel free to contact me off the list (Tom or anyone else) if you feel the need to continue this thread. :) toby On Wed, 12 Mar 2003 20:46:19 -0800 Tom Nelson <Tom_Nelson@private> wrote: > > >Toby, > > > >While I do not agree with your political opinion in the least, I >do agree >you have the right to express it, offensive as it may be to many >of the >others that share this list. However, I do not agree that you have >a right >to express it here. This list is for issues totally different that >those you >want to express. > > > >Why not be mature enough to express them in the appropriate place. > There >are many other places and lists where you can fulfill your mission >in life, >to in your own words, "piss of at least some people." Why not do >us all a >favor and exercise your American freedom by using all the other >avenues of >expression your free county awards you and spare us. > > > > > >Sergeant Tom Nelson, IACIS CFCE > >Computer Forensics Specialist > >Deschutes County Sheriff's Office > >tomn@private > > > >-----Original Message----- >From: tobyhush@private [mailto:tobyhush@private] >Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 3:25 PM >To: CRIME list; tellner@private >Subject: CRIME funny site that will piss off at least some people > > > > > >-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- > > > >http://homepage.mac.com/leperous/ > > > >My personal favorite: > >http://homepage.mac.com/leperous/.Pictures/undergod.jpg > > > >toby > >-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- > >Version: Hush 2.2 (Java) > >Note: This signature can be verified at https://www.hushtools.com/verify > > > >wl0EARECAB0FAj5vwdkWHHRvYnlodXNoQGh1c2htYWlsLmNvbQAKCRCCZA+ELDMXIP4H > >AKC+WBYbac4fh6sooWsuWuFdhOW8YQCgrNdATnxmBdf6aep3+drikinRgG8= > >=7w1n > >-----END PGP SIGNATURE----- > > > > > > > > > >Concerned about your privacy? Follow this link to get > >FREE encrypted email: https://www.hushmail.com/?l=2 > > > >Big $$$ to be made with the HushMail Affiliate Program: > >https://www.hushmail.com/about.php?subloc=affiliate&l=427 > > -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: Hush 2.2 (Java) Note: This signature can be verified at https://www.hushtools.com/verify wl0EARECAB0FAj5wwfUWHHRvYnlodXNoQGh1c2htYWlsLmNvbQAKCRCCZA+ELDMXIIlA AKCNqp5HcK/Rpmz05xR/iibJTvEF0ACfbBp9anjvzfhAAQQT3v6A1ruGODw= =u3v8 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Concerned about your privacy? Follow this link to get FREE encrypted email: https://www.hushmail.com/?l=2 Big $$$ to be made with the HushMail Affiliate Program: https://www.hushmail.com/about.php?subloc=affiliate&l=427
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