RE: CRIME Total Travel Information Awareness

From: Kuo, Jimmy (Jimmy_Kuo@private)
Date: Mon Apr 07 2003 - 12:10:54 PDT

  • Next message: Zot O'Connor: "CRIME [Fwd: FW: Article: Domestic Security: The Line Starts Here]"

    Funny.  When I clicked on the link, a lot of its links were gray, as in, I'd
    read them all before.  :-)
    But, not directly answering your question, but a parallel one (perhaps),
    I had a conversation with a TSA media spokesperson last week about the
    Registered Traveler Program.  Fundamentally, RTP does not yet exist.  TSA is
    testing some identification technologies known as TWIC.  So, whatever the
    Delta program is, it is not RTP.
    We are a few months away yet from RTP becoming closer to reality.  And right
    now, it is not.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Jeff Bryner [mailto:jeff@private]
    Sent: Sunday, April 06, 2003 8:36 PM
    To: crime@private
    Subject: CRIME Total Travel Information Awareness
    Are the TSA and Delta taking the place of the Total Information Awareness
    I never bothered to think before about all the information I offer up when
    travelling and the fact that it's stored centrally, not just accessable to
    the airline that I'm offering it to.  Anyone on this list have firsthand
    experience/knowledge of CAPPSII?

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