Re: CRIME Virus from Microsoft?

From: Alan (alan@private)
Date: Sat May 03 2003 - 13:14:18 PDT

  • Next message: Zot O'Connor: "[PLUG] [Fwd: (uswisp) Senate Bill 905 needs to be amended]"

    On Sun, 2003-05-04 at 00:50, Mike Cuciti wrote:
    > All:
    > I got the following email from "Vista Window and Door".  My ISP stated
    > that the WORM_GIBE.B virus was in file UPDATE858.exe and deleted it. I
    > understand that it was discovered in February of this year, but I
    > thought a reminder to you all would be in order. 
    The e-mail was not from Microsoft.  The work claims to come from
    Microsoft, but the headers are pretty obviously not from Microsoft.
    But some people will run anything if given the chance, so it spreads...
    > Thanks...
    > -Mike
    > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    > Microsoft Customer
    > this is the latest version of security update, the
    > "May 2003, Cumulative Patch" update which eliminates all
    > known security vulnerabilities affecting Internet Explorer,
    > Outlook and Outlook Express as well as five newly discovered
    > vulnerabilities. Install now to protect your computer from these
    > vulnerabilities, the most serious of which could allow an attacker to
    > run executable on your system. This update includes the functionality
    > of all previously released patches.
    > System requirements:
    > Win 9x/Me/2000/NT/XP
    > This update applies to:
    > Microsoft Internet Explorer, version 4.01 and later
    > Microsoft Outlook, version 8.00 and later
    > Microsoft Outlook Express, version 4.01 and later
    > Recommendation:
    > Customers should install the patch at the earliest opportunity.
    > How to install:
    > Run attached file. Click Yes on displayed dialog box.
    > How to use:
    > You don't need to do anything after installing this item.
    > Microsoft Technical Support is available at
    > For security-related information about Microsoft products,
    > please visit the Microsoft Security Advisor web site at
    > Contact us at
    > Please do not reply to this message. It was sent from an unmonitored
    > e-mail address and we are unable to respond to any replies.
    > Thank you for using Microsoft products.
    Alan <alan@private>

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