CRIME good for laughs

From: Steve Nichols (steven@private)
Date: Tue May 13 2003 - 09:44:31 PDT

  • Next message: Brian Varine: "CRIME Wardriver Crisis! Only 6 Weeks of Pringles left!"

    Maybe some of you have seen this. But I never pay attention. I just happened
    to see it.
    Thought you'd get a kick out of this spam.
    Here is the message body, hidden in the message body are key words. The
    recipient of the spam would see
    We offer unlimited free adult access.
    I can see Welcome officer uncle nlighten mighty ted.
    If you keep reading, you'll see other messages.
    p>W<!elcom>e off<!icer>er u<!ncle>nli<!ghten>mi<!ghty>ted <!ref>f<!e>re<!=
    >don>e <!m>ad<!q>u<!ie>lt ac<!tress>ces<!fir>s.</p>
    >  <li>F<!ie>r<!icer>e<!as>e f<!icer>or L<!icer>if<!ie>e</li>
    >  <li><!TO>W<!N>e <!hear>ne<!glect>ve<!ie>r <!wat>as<!ie>k for <!ham>m<!me=
    >  <li><!Ab>L<!ib>iv<!juice>e v<!icer>id<!lende>eos</li>
    >  <li>A<!lert>w<!ie>es<!icer>ome s<!ie>el<!icer>ect<!elect>ion of <!ie>ha<=
    >!icer>r<!beauty>dc<!washingtin>ore<!gon> v<!icer>id<!ie>eos and p<!ie>ic<!=
    ><p>G<!icer>e<!ed>t y<!hi>ou<!fi>r <!gift>f<!royal>r<!blue>e<!feed>e un<!cl=
    >e>limit<!teer>ed l<!nice>if<!ars>et<!wow>im<!awe>e a<!baseball>cc<!soccer>=
    >ess by c<!like>li<!mama>ck<!jock>in<!angle>g b<!est>el<!ie>ow</p>
    ><p><a href=3D"">
    <p>Yo<!Q>u are <!beautif>re<!ception>ce<!clever>iv<!life>ing th<agai>is as=
    > a <!n>su<!mem>bs<!ber>cr<!ship>iber to o<!ab>ne of our a<!pples>f<!orange=
    >sp<OOKY>ons<!melons>ors.&nbsp; If y<!are>ou wo<!man>uld li<!essen>ke to be=
    > ta<!lon>ken<!nedy> off our li<!ons>st pl<!eased>eas<!y>e cl<!ubber>i<!lan=
    >e>c<!ccc>k h<!erh>e<!hear>r<!hire>e</p>
    Steven Nichols
    Sr. Network and Systems Administrator
    Internet and NOC Manager
                    1709 NE 27th Street, Suite C
                      McMinnville, Oregon 97128
               503-565-5030 or 800-909-9078 (toll-free)
         "Pay no attention to the folks behind the curtain..."

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Tue May 13 2003 - 10:50:05 PDT