I know this is off-topic but I thought that someone on this list might be interested. I have a friend that was accidentally shipped a box of 30 "fujifilm ultrium 1 LTO 100gb/200gb compressed data cartridges" and after 2 months of trying to return them to the company they have been given the green flag to go ahead and sell them. The shipper has written them off and doesn't want them back. They want to sell the entire lot of 30 tapes for $1,500 (or decent offer) , which makes the tapes $50/each (Dell has them for $62/each). If you only want a few tapes that can also be arranged. I know this qualifies as Spam and I apologize for this, but the tapes are a good deal and I thought that someone might be interested. If you are interested please respond off-list to: Jacob.Redding@private
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