CRIME PSU gets NSA Center of Academic Excellence status

From: Jim Binkley (jrb@private)
Date: Mon Jun 09 2003 - 13:04:45 PDT

  • Next message: Shaun Savage: "CRIME Privacy Vs Security"

    Portland State University and its Computer Science Department have been
    certified as a National Center of Academic Excellence in Information
    Assurance (CAE) by the US National Security Agency, Information Assurance
    Directorate. As part of the certification, PSU has also been certified by
    the Committee on National Secure Systems and the National Security Agency
    as meeting national training standards for INFOSEC professionals, NSTISSI
    No. 4011. Both certifications run for three academic years and are
    renewable. For PSU, renewal will occur in 2006.
    PSU Computer Science faculty involved in both obtaining CAE status, and
    creating the requisite security curriculum include: Mark Morrissey, Warren
    Harrision, Cynthia Brown, Sarah Mocas, and Jim Binkley.  Fifty U.S.
    universities have so far obtained the CAE certification. At this time, PSU
    is the only such university in Washington and Oregon, although regionally,
    Idaho State University and the University of Idaho hold CAE status.
    I should point out that our involvement in CRIME and the Police Reserve
    Specialist programs were part of our application.
    In order to get this award we had to first qualify in terms of standards
    set up by the NIETP (National Infosec Education and Training Program), and
    then meet the CAE requirements.  Please see the following for more
    PSU/CS offers an MS in Computer Science with a Security Concentration
    that is certified under the above mentioned program. Work on establishing
    a separate certificate program is underway.
    					Jim Binkley
    					Portland State University
    					Computer Science

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