Re: CRIME Privacy Vs Security

From: Shaun Savage (savages@private)
Date: Mon Jun 09 2003 - 17:58:52 PDT

  • Next message: Crispin Cowan: "Re: CRIME Privacy Vs Security"

    I went into security because it is fun and I want to help people 
    maintain their privacy.  I believe that privacy is the Zeroth Amendment. 
    it is something so basic that the founding fathers did not mention 
    privacy in the Bill of Rights.  They thought privacy was basic that it 
    would never be questioned.  NOW it is being questioned.
    I have heard of $65 million contract to private company to data mine 
    personal information for every one in north and south america. The 
    company is not required to follow govermental privacy regulations that 
    is why it was choosen, to allow the goverment to gain information with 
    out regulations.
    I heard the the LEIU was also created to bypass govermental privacy 
    regulations for local agencies.
    What is the LEIU?
    What is it's charter?
    What privacy policies does it have?
    Shaun Savage wrote:
    > Senator Wyden fights for privacy!
    > The question I ask the group is "At what point does security out weigh 
    > the privacy and freedoms that America should offer?"
    > Shaun

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