CRIME FW: [Information_technology] Daily News 6/13/03

From: George Heuston (GeorgeH@private)
Date: Fri Jun 13 2003 - 14:22:24 PDT

  • Next message: George Heuston: "PPT Slides from Last CRIME Meeting"

    -----Original Message-----
    From: InfraGard [mailto:infragard@private] 
    Sent: Friday, June 13, 2003 7:02 AM
    To: Information Technology
    Subject: [Information_technology] Daily News 6/13/03
    June 13, The Register
    European Commission reviews infosecurity regime. A set of
    for better information security standards in Europe will be debated at
    open meeting to be held today in Brussels. The recommendations have been
    produced by the Network and Information Security (NIS) Focus Group which
    includes technical experts appointed by the two European standards
    organizations CEN (European Committee for Standardization) and ETSI
    (European Telecommunications Standards Institute). The group's principal
    goal was to evaluate existing security standards, and to identify
    gaps in the standards spectrum. Created in July 2002, the group has now
    completed its final draft report which has been available for public
    since mid-May. Today's meeting will debate the report plus comments
    and provide a basis for a consensus on the report and its
    Erkki Liikanen, European Commissioner responsible for Enterprise and
    Information Society, said: "The growth of e-business in Europe and
    world-wide will be encouraged by the availability of a secure
    infrastructure." The report is available at the European Standards Web
    site: Source:
    June 13, General Accounting Office
    Geographic Information Systems: Challenges to Effective Data Sharing.
    General Accounting Office (GAO) published report GAO-03-874T on June 10
    titled "Geographic Information Systems: Challenges to Effective Data
    Sharing." Geographic information systems (GIS) manipulate, analyze, and
    graphically present an array of information associated with geographic
    locations, and have been invaluable to all levels of government. Their
    usefulness in disaster response was recently demonstrated during the
    Shuttle Columbia recovery effort. GIS provided precise maps and search
    to guide crews to the debris that was strewn across 41 counties in Texas
    Louisiana. The federal government has long been attempting to develop an
    integrated nationwide GIS network. The information available through
    such a
    network could significantly enhance decision-making in myriad
    areas, including emergency response, national security, law enforcement,
    health care, and the environment. Source:
    June 12, The Register
    Al-Jazeera hacker charged. Web designer John William Racine, of Norco,
    has been charged with breaking into DNS servers and rerouting surfers
    visiting the Web site of Al-Jazeera to a "Let Freedom Ring" patriotic
    site he created. Racine is also accused of intercepting 300 emails sent
    the Arab satellite TV network between March 25 and 27. The 24 year-old
    out on bail pending a Monday court appearance when he will face charges
    unlawful interception of an electronic communication and wire fraud.
    Prosecutors allege that Racine obtained a password for Al-Jazeera's Web
    by posing as a representative of the station in forged requests faxed to
    Network Solutions, who handed over the vital information without
    his identity. Source:
    Internet Security Systems - AlertCon: 1 out of 4
    Last Changed 10 June 2003
    Security Focus ThreatCon: 1 out of 4
    Last Changed 11 June 2003
    Current Virus and Port Attacks
    Virus: #1 Virus in USA: WORM_LOVGATE.G
    Source:, Trend World Micro Virus
    Tracking Center [Infected Computers, North America, Past 24 hours, #1 in
    United States]
    Top 10 Target Ports:
    137 (netbios-ns), 80 (www), 6346 (gnutella-svc), 1434 (ms-sql-m), 445
    (microsoft-ds), 113 (ident), 139 (netbios-ssn), 25 (smtp), 4662
    (eDonkey2000), 0 (---)
    Source:; Internet Storm Center
    Information_technology mailing list

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