From: Andrew Plato (aplato@private)
Date: Wed Jul 30 2003 - 22:53:01 PDT

  • Next message: Crispin Cowan: "Re: CRIME GNU Help IV"

    I still don't understand why this legislation is necessary. The State
    already has the option to consider and use open-source. I see plenty of
    open-source technologies in use at public institutions, especially schools
    and universities. My firm is doing a project with a public agency right now
    and a some of the systems we're installing use open-source software and some
    use commercial software. Nobody forced us into these decisions. We chose
    them because they are the best solution based on the requirements. The
    agency that contracted us agreed. 
    So why do we need this law? Why should open-source be given some "special
    class" of consideration when open-source is ALREADY being considered and
    Before such a law is put on the books, I think these issues (and others)
    need to be clarified. I think Mr. Starr should hold off on this bill until
    the ramifications of such legislation can be more appropriately addressed.
    Andrew Plato, CISSP 
    President / Principal Consultant 
    Anitian Enterprise Security
    503-644-5656 Office 
    503-644-8574 Fax 
    503-201-0821 Mobile 
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: owner-crime@private [mailto:owner-crime@private] 
    > On Behalf Of Robert Johnston
    > Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2003 8:57 PM
    > To: crime@private
    > Subject: CRIME GNU Help IV
    > I just got off the phone with Bruce Starr.  It looks like 
    > there is little chance in getting this through the house 
    > since the speaker is dead set against it. Neither of us can 
    > get a straight answer as to why from with the Speaker's 
    > office or the Majority office.
    > As a last ditch effort, Bruce is going to try to attach it to 
    > a piece of legislation that is already in play.  Hopefully 
    > one that had already passed the house.  It is a long shot, 
    > but it is better than doing nothing at all.  If something 
    > does get put in place, we will need to move, and FAST! I am 
    > talking about making calls, visits and some serious media relations..
    > I really appreciate all of the constructive feedback from you 
    > folks and working with the people that had originally started 
    > this jihad.
    > *****
    > Robert Johnston
    > Datajockeys, LLC 

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