CRIME worm tips and tricks part 2

From: Karol Kulaga (root@private)
Date: Tue Aug 12 2003 - 03:23:45 PDT

  • Next message: George Heuston: "CRIME FW: [Information_technology] Daily News 8/12/03"

    OK first off. You follow these directions at your own risk. I haven't tested
    these on an infected machine because I don't have one (yet). I'm just
    putting common commands together that should get rid of the virus.
    If someone can tell me what account msblast runs under that would be great.
    Now, as for removing the virus. I haven't found a solution online that would
    do it without being logged on as admin, which kind of makes it a pain to
    kill it. I'm assuming remote registry service has been disabled on most
    computers that you work with, so I am counting that out as well.
    Again, I don't have a crash box infected right now that I can try this on.
    If someone wants to you're still up, feedback on whether this works would be
    Windows 2003 Solution
    Windows 2003 has a bunch of nifty tools out of the box to deal with this
    - Assuming that msblast.exe is run under the logged in user's account - It
    might not be, in fact I'm pretty sure that it is not (running under system
    or something similar), but if it is - this should remove the virus.
    Running this as admin (perhaps in a .bat file) should terminate the process
    no matter what account it is running under.
    [patch filename] /q /z
    taskkill /f /im msbl*
    del %systemroot%\system32\msblast.exe
    shutdown /f /r
    Explanation of what the commands do
    [patch filename] /q /z                'runs the patch, does not reboot.
    taskkill /f /im msbl*                 'kills all tasks begining with msbl
    del %systemroot%\system32\msblast.exe 'deletes the msblast.exe file,
    shutdown /f /r                        'restarts the system, forcibly.
    This will leave the "run" entry in the registry - not the cleanest solution,
    but one that will do.
    the virus stopped and deleted, the computer is restarted.
    Plain users can't remove the key anyways because of permissions issues, and
    leaving the entry there won't cause any error messages.
    Actually, running the patch twice is redundant, so [patch filename] /q /z is
    not really necessary, but saves a reboot.
    For other os's it gets more complex. Find your install cds. I'm not sure
    about nt4, but this should work for 2k. maybe xp too, but I'm about to fall
    asleep, someone else can research that.
    (I believe xp has taskkill)
    extract to a folder
    inside that folder we need kill.exe to terminate the process and delete the
    kill -f msbl*
    del %systemroot%\system32\msblast.exe
    echo "restart your computer now!"
    kill -f msbl*                          'kills all processes begining with
    del %systemroot%\system32\msblast.exe  'deletes the worm
    echo "restart your computer now!"      'gets the user to reboot.
    again, admin priv. required AFAIk. C'est la vie.
    I was also thinking about getting msblast.exe into
    Manager\PendingFileRenameOperations, I believe those actions are done by
    system, so as long as that gets into the registry, no permissions issues
    should occur.
    I'd do more but I'm tired and going to bed.
    Night All

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