CRIME Your details

From: Mailadmin@private
Date: Wed Aug 20 2003 - 17:29:36 PDT

  • Next message: Steve Beattie: "Re: CRIME SOBIG ADVISORY"

    A mail message with the subject "Your details" 
    Sent by crime@private 
    TO mackenziebailey48@private
     has been found to contain a virus Scenarios/Banned File types: A filename matching the file mask was detected: 'movie0045.pif'.
    Scenarios/Incoming/Sophos Incoming Virus Scan: Threat: 'W32/Sobig-F' detected by 'Sophos AV Interface for MIMEsweeper'.
    Scenarios/Block Executables: 'ItemLength.GE.0'.
    and has been placed in Infected
    Please inform your administrator and have your virus scanning
    software updated and your infected files cleaned.
    This message was produced by sm07

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