Re: CRIME List problems

From: Seth Arnold (sarnold@private)
Date: Wed Aug 27 2003 - 23:24:49 PDT

  • Next message: Zot O'Connor: "Re: CRIME List problems"

    On Wed, Aug 27, 2003 at 10:39:09PM -0700, Mark Wills wrote:
    > Has anyone else had traffic drastically drop off from the CRIME list? I
    > haven't seen anything since 8/22.
    Counting your post, I have seen six posts to this mail list since 8/22.
    Having no basis to judge from, I will haphazardly blame: (a) the SoBig.F
    virus (b) the bounces from forged sobig.f headers (c) the two RPC/DCOM
    worms (d)'s latest null routing adventures for MAPS-competitors
    which has been screwing with spamassassin configs, such as is used for
    the crime list. (Thanks again for that, by the way, list admins. :)
    I'd be happy to bounce the messages to you, if you'd like. If you want
    them, feel free to reply off-list.
    "Soldiers quartered in a populous town will always occasion two mobs
    where they prevent one. They are wretched conservators of the peace."
    -- John Adams

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