RE: CRIME MS Messenger Vulnerability

From: Karl Kulaga (root@private)
Date: Wed Sep 10 2003 - 23:28:42 PDT

  • Next message: Crispin Cowan: "Re: CRIME Electronic Voting Security"

    "Spybot search and destroy" is a slightly better ad remover, updates a bit
    more frequently too. That said, you're probably looking at a
    I'm assuming "machinename" isn't the literal text either. (i.e. from boxA to
    boxB). I'm also thinking that boxA and boxB is within the same site, in
    which case your firewall won't have anything to do with stopping this.
    If you have the messenger popup going between sites - do you have any vpn
    connections? Perhaps that is how they are getting to the other site . . .
    I'm thinking the cause is Panda, have you actually gone to the machine and
    checked for viruses on the "from" machine or the Panda settings?
    You might also want to make a full backup if you decide to install Zone
    Alarm on a machine - just to be safe - that program has not had the best
    reputation for installing / uninstalling cleanly (especially under XP).
    Otherwise you might be the proud new owner of a stomache ulcer. There are
    other software firewalls out there.

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