CRIME certificates - who do you use?

From: Todd Ellner (tellner@private)
Date: Thu Sep 25 2003 - 17:40:53 PDT

  • Next message: Todd Ellner: "CRIME Of possible interest to geeks and geek-cops"

    The company I work for wants a digital certificate - for verifying that we
    are who we say we are, for signing applications that our customers will
    download from us - all the usual stuff. 
    I realize that anyone can be a certificate authority. Does anyone remember
    hookafork and their "Billy Bob's Pork Products and Certificate Authority"
    website? But we have to instill at least a little bit of consumer confidence
    The prices for similar seeming products vary a lot between bigger companies from ~$800 from Veri$ign to $130 for Equifax. Who do the people on this list prefer and why?

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