CRIME Infocon Magazine Issue One, October 2003

From: Wanja Eric Naef [IWS] (w.naef@private)
Date: Tue Sep 30 2003 - 17:37:15 PDT

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                                INFOCON MAGAZINE
    Issue One                                          October 01, 2003
                                    Published by 
                         IWS - The Information Warfare Site
                     hosted and secured courtesy of
    Table of Contents 
    1) Call for Papers for Infocon Magazine Issue Two
    2) Information Operations Interview with Dr. Dan Kuehl from the National
    Defense University
    3) Psychological Operations Interview with the former Deputy Commander
    of NATO's Information Campaign in Bosnia
    4) Measuring 'Digital Wars': Learning From The Experience of Peace
    Research and Arms Control
    5) Business Continuity Planning - A safety net for businesses 
    6) Business Continuity Planning Interview with David Spinks, EDS
    7) Economic Espionage - a threat to corporate America
    8) Economic Espionage Interview with David Cid
    9) Corporate Open Source Information Leakage - A self-assessment
    approach using Internet sources 
    10) USAF Suicide Bombers Intelligence Brief 
    [1] Call for Papers for Infocon Magazine Issue Two
    Over the next few months we are planning to publish useful articles and
    interviews for the forthcoming issues of the Infocon Magazine. So if you
    are interested in participating by writing an article, please contact
    [2] Information Operations Interview with Dr. Dan Kuehl from the
    National Defense University
    '...I see it [IO] not as a replacement for existing military operations.
    I see it as something which can stand along side of them in its own
    distinct and unique sense, and changes how all of them are conducted to
    exploit the relationships and synergies among them. . ..'
    [3] Psychological Operations Interview with the former Deputy Commander
    of NATO's Information Campaign in Bosnia
    '... IO is so complex a phenomena that today's commander has difficulty
    understanding it. And unfortunately IO is still a world of specialists
    today. Until it becomes a general part of the battle system, its effects
    are going to be limited. You can have different commanders in the same
    physical locations with the same units who know how to use IO and employ
    those fundamentals and then you have commanders who won't do it at all
    as at the end of the day the issue is results and not how they got
    there. ...'
    [4] Information Operations Feature: Measuring 'Digital Wars': Learning
    >From The Experience of Peace Research and Arms Control
    '... Are 'digital wars'(or, Computer Networks Operations in
    military-speak) 'real'? Can they really cause economic damage and loss
    of lives? Can poor countries use them to integrate or even, following
    Sun Tzu, to replace more expensive weapons systems? If the answers are
    positive, then it should be possible to measure cyberwars. ...'
    [5] Business Continuity Planning - A safety net for businesses
    '... Every business faces minor downtimes, and major unknowns; hence it
    is important to have plans in place which guarantee business
    contingency. Before the September 2001 attack on America quite a few
    business people said that they saw BCP as an inefficient use of
    resources, i.e. an expenditure which does not bring any return on
    investments. But statistics tell a different story, and events like 9-11
    serve as drastic reminders that it is vital for every company to have
    plans in place to ensure business continuity, and the continuity of our
    suppliers and logistics - especially as globalization and our
    interdependence continues to grow. ...'
    [6] Business Continuity Planning Interview with David Spinks, EDS
    '... There are enough codes of practice in place for senior management
    to not only support business continuity planning, but actually pushing
    people to deliver it, because at the end of the day the board of
    directors is held responsible in times of crisis if there is not
    adequate planning. In the UK, we have generally recognized practices
    such as the Turnbull Combined Code of Practice which makes various
    commitments on both executive and non executive officers of
    organisations to manage not just financial risk but also operational,
    environmental and safety risks. And one of the key responses to risk
    management is business continuity planning. If they are not supporting
    BCP plans the needle from innocent to guilty will move rapidly from
    innocent to guilty. And I think there are enough cases in place now,
    enough proof in place, to suggest to any peer groups of executive
    officers that they need to take business continuity planning seriously.
    [7] Economic Espionage Feature: Economic Espionage - a threat to
    corporate America
    '... Billions of dollars and thousands of jobs are lost due to theft of
    trade secrets. Corporate America needs to acknowledge the reality of
    this risk and develop more efficient countermeasures to safeguard
    survival in a competitive market. ...' 
    [8] Economic Espionage Feature: Economic Espionage Interview with David
    '... There are more intelligence officers in the United States from
    foreign countries collecting information today than there were at the
    end of the Cold War. At the end of the Cold War the political and
    philosophical struggle was over and it then became an economic war if
    you want to characterise as that. With that, these countries decided to
    direct their intelligence services from strategic and tactical
    information (although they still do that to a certain degree) to
    collecting economic information. Many of these countries understand that
    they can never compete with us (the USA) or the British, or the French,
    or the Germans or the other industrialised nations. But they can steal
    information. If you want to get information effectively, an intelligence
    service is the ideal collection tool since that is what an intelligence
    service is designed to do. ...' 
    [9] Corporate Open Source Information Leakage - A self-assessment
    approach using Internet sources by Raphael Rues 
    '... This paper attempts to demonstrate the state of transparency as
    well as the amount of 'open source information' available on selected
    anonymous European organisations by using a particular empirical
    'corporate information leakage inventory' based on ten indicators. ...'
    [10] USAF Suicide Bombers Intelligence Brief 
    '... Living in the US, we have considered ourselves "safe" for many
    years. 9/11 proved that war/terrorism can ultimately be brought right to
    our doorstep. 
    The attached PowerPoint presentation is aimed at making us all aware of
    a new threat... suicide bombers. Not only does it aim to make folks
    aware, but it also has some key points on spotting these people (based
    on past Intel). ...'
    The source material may be copyrighted and all rights are retained by
    the original author/publisher.
    Copyright 2003, IWS - The Information Warfare Site 
    'Information is the currency of victory on the battlefield.' GEN Gordon
    Sullivan, CSA (1993)

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