CRIME The 30 Hour Wonder! 2129289758

From: 240250@private
Date: Fri Oct 31 2003 - 23:24:18 PST

  • Next message: Zot O'Connor: "CRIME Article in the Oregonian Hillsboro cybercrime unit "breaks up""

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    Content preview:  Cyalus comes in smaller doses and produces fewer side
      effects. Cyalus also works much faster than Sildenafil-based
      medications. In clinical trials, the majority of men who took the drug
      were able to engage in sexual intercourse within 30 minutes or less.
      The studies also indicated that Cyalus stays in the system for up to 30
      hours. That's 26 hours longer than the traditional Sildenafil-based
      medications treatment. [...] 
    Content analysis details:   (20.80 points, 5 required)
    FROM_WEBMAIL_ENDS_IN_NUMS6 (0.1 points)  From address is webmail, and ends in lots of numbers
    FROM_ENDS_IN_NUMS  (0.7 points)  From: ends in numbers
    X_AUTH_WARNING     (-1.4 points) Has a X-Authentication-Warning header
    FROM_STARTS_WITH_NUMS (0.1 points)  From: starts with nums
    NO_REAL_NAME       (1.0 points)  From: does not include a real name
    ADDR_NUMS_AT_BIGSITE (1.1 points)  Uses an address with lots of numbers, at a big ISP
    SUBJ_HAS_SPACES    (2.3 points)  Subject contains lots of white space
    FROM_NUM_AT_WEBMAIL (2.9 points)  From address is webmail, but starts with a number
    TRACKER_ID         (4.3 points)  BODY: Incorporates a tracking ID number
    MSG_ID_ADDED_BY_MTA_3 (0.9 points)  'Message-Id' was added by a relay (3)
    DATE_IN_FUTURE_06_12 (1.2 points)  Date: is 6 to 12 hours after Received: date
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    attached mail follows:

    Cyalus comes in smaller doses and produces fewer side effects. Cyalus also works much faster than Sildenafil-based medications. In clinical trials, the majority of men who took the drug were able to engage in sexual intercourse within 30 minutes or less. The studies also indicated that Cyalus stays in the system for up to 30 hours. That's 26 hours longer than the traditional Sildenafil-based medications treatment. Test results showed that out of 700 participants at least 88 percent of men experienced improvement with their erections. More info 38FB4E9C-7E7629B0-5F61B986-26D1CB00-59D23703 50C63F81-3C4D9CBA-4E7BF8B9-30CE6842-50D0D442 499018D4-64AB722C-5520792B-6A57BD58-75CD878B 

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