RE: CRIME Anyone else notice is down?

From: Gunderson_Dane (dane.gunderson@private)
Date: Thu Nov 06 2003 - 06:28:19 PST

  • Next message: George Heuston: "RE: CRIME Anyone else notice is down?"

    The Iraqi's don't agree with you.  At least the ones not in mass graves.
    Perhaps you might try the other meme...   like 'we shouldn't be spending all
    that money over there', because we are spending money and we are not
    'taking' oil.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Alan [mailto:alan@private]
    Sent: Wednesday, November 05, 2003 2:22 PM
    To: Whittington, Larry
    Cc: Seth Arnold; Crime List
    Subject: RE: CRIME Anyone else notice is down?
    On Wed, 2003-11-05 at 13:39, Whittington, Larry wrote:
    > But it is QUITE un-American to give the enemy hope..  THAT costs lives.
    More troopers die because the enemy thinks that America will cave.
    The first person to prosecute is the guy that said "Bring em on!".
    As for the "enemy"... I have yet to figure out why they are my enemy. 
    They posed no real threat.  The evidence against them appears to be
    total fabrications.  If I was in Iraq, I would view Americans as
    invaders trying to steal my oil.  We lost the moral high ground the
    first time the administration lied about the situation.
    I guess invading countries in order to steal their natural resources is
    quite American.
    > 	-----Original Message----- 
    > 	From: Seth Arnold [mailto:sarnold@private] 
    > 	Sent: Wed 11/5/2003 2:29 PM 
    > 	To: Crime List 
    > 	Cc: 
    > 	Subject: Re: CRIME Anyone else notice is down?
             alan at - alan at 
        " and artificial treasons have been the great
        engines by which violent factions, the natural offspring of
        free government, have usually wreaked their alternate
        malignity on each other...."
                      - James Madison in The Federalist No. 43,

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