CRIME FW: AT&T patents anti-antispam technology

From: David.Gibson@private
Date: Wed Nov 19 2003 - 09:08:17 PST

  • Next message: Crispin Cowan: "Re: CRIME Multiple breakins, but can't figure out how"

    As Monty Python would say... "And now for something completely
     AT&T patents anti-antispam technology
    Last modified: November 18, 2003, 4:53 PM PST
    0technology> Paul Festa 
    Staff Writer, CNET
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    Citing an "arms race" in the ongoing spam wars, AT&T defended its
    patenting of a technology to thwart antispam filters. 
    6&siteId=3&oId=2100-1032-5108918&ontId=1023&lop=nl_ex> The patent,
    awarded to AT&T on Nov. 4, describes a "system and method for
    counteracting message filtering." 
    The patent details a way to trick filters that compare digital messages
    to known pieces of spam, altering each message so that no two are
    exactly the same. 
    "In this way, spam countermeasures based upon duplicate detection
    schemes are foiled," according to the patent.
    AT&T's patent wins approval as spam and software patents separately
    preoccupy the Internet. Opponents, pointing to patent-infringement
    judgments like that  <>
    won by Eolas Technologies at Microsoft's expense, say software patents
    have created a siege mentality in the industry. And the spam problem has
    resulted in a host of proposed solutions in the software, standards and
    legislative arenas.
    AT&T's award left patent and spam foes scratching their heads,
    questioning the company's interest in an anti-antispam tool.
    "Why is ATT inventing and patenting a method for e-mail spammers to
    fight spam-filtering systems?" Greg Aharonian, publisher of the Internet
    Patent News Service, wrote in his Patnews e-mail newsletter. "Some
    legitimate e-mail is being blocked by spam filters, but the solution is
    not new techniques to make spam more spammable, but rather coordination
    among ISPs and backbones to quickly shut down spammers."
    AT&T Labs, the Florham Park, N.J., unit where the patented technology
    emanated, said the patent was purely defensive.
    "This is an arms race, and (Bell Labs researcher Robert Hall) tried to
    stay one step ahead of the spammers," said Michael Dickman, a spokesman
    for AT&T Labs. "He anticipated that spammers would try to change the
    message to circumvent the filters."
    AT&T said it is re-evaluating the patent, now that it has been granted,
    and has not yet decided how to use it.
    Spam foes have  <>
    criticized AT&T in the past, pointing to at least one instance in which
    a sales agent signed a so-called
    <> pink contract to
    provide a known spammer with Internet service.
    But one Internet activist said the pink contract didn't cause her to
    doubt AT&T's intentions with respect to the patent.
    "Did AT&T screw up by signing that contract? Yes, absolutely," said
    Laura Atkins, president of the
    &oId=2100-1032-5108918&ontId=1023&lop=nl_ex> SpamCon Foundation. "Is its
    existence proof of some great conspiracy by AT&T to spam the world and
    allow their users to spam the world? I don't believe so."
    Johnson Mok
    Senior Consultant
    B&Data Technology Company Limited
    Email : johnsonmok@private Mobile : (852)6276 0891 Direct :
    (852)2114 1100

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