RE: CRIME Good port scan tool

From: McKinney, Jason A (JAMC@private)
Date: Tue Dec 16 2003 - 09:46:12 PST

  • Next message: Jeff Bryner: "Re: CRIME Good port scan tool"

    I've had good luck with Foundstone's SuperScan though I've largely switched to Nmap even on XP. 

    I know that Win32 versions of Nmap can't scan the local host, but given appropriate options and permissions you should be able to scan remote networks just fine. To what problems do you refer?
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Kenneth Emmons [mailto:KENEMM@private]
    Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 8:38 AM
    To: crime@private
    Subject: CRIME Good port scan tool
    Can anyone please recommend a good port scan tool that I can run from a Windows XP workstation on a DSL link to test my company network?  NMAP has problems with XP and did not find any open ports.  All of the port scan tools I found are run against the machine you are log into, I wish to test from a workstation that is outside of the company network. 
    Kenneth Emmons                  __O
    Lead Network Engineer        _`\<,_
    SAIF Corporation                (*)/  (*)
    Telephone: (503) 373-8684
    Facsimile:  (503) 584-8684 

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