CRIME New one, .B, was: New virus alert: Mydoom!!!

From: Kuo, Jimmy (Jimmy_Kuo@private)
Date: Wed Jan 28 2004 - 12:17:02 PST

  • Next message: Alan: "CRIME New Phishing attempt"

    This is a non-alert.  That is, while we're hearing lots of press on it, we
    have no confirmation that it's actually spreading.
    So, if you actually see the .B variant, I would love to know (and send me a
    sample for confirmation, please).
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Kuo, Jimmy
    To: ''Crime List' '
    Sent: 1/26/04 2:24 PM
    Subject: CRIME New virus alert: Mydoom!!!
    Serious stuff going on right now!!!
    This is a mass-mailing worm that arrives in an email message as follows:
    From: (spoofed)
    Subject: (Random)
    Body:  (Varies, such as) 
    The message cannot be represented in 7-bit ASCII encoding and has been
    as a binary attachment. 
    Attachment: (varies [.exe, .pif, .cmd, .scr] - often arrives in a ZIP
    archive) (22,528 bytes)
    The icon used by the file tries to make it appear as if the attachment
    is a
    text file
    When this file is run it copies itself to the local system with the
    following filenames:
     c:\Program Files\KaZaA\My Shared Folder\activation_crack.scr 
    It also uses a DLL that it creates in the Windows System directory:
     c:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\shimgapi.dll (4,096 bytes) 
    It creates the following registry entry to hook Windows startup:
    CurrentVersion\Run "TaskMon" = %SysDir%\taskmon.exe
    The worm opens a connection on TCP port 3127 suggesting remote access

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Wed Jan 28 2004 - 13:04:28 PST