CRIME Symantec scores a coup for its intrusion prevention tool

From: Sasha Romanosky (sasha_romanosky@private)
Date: Wed Jan 28 2004 - 16:52:54 PST

  • Next message: Alan: "RE: CRIME RE: New one, .B, was: New virus alert: Mydoom!!!"

    I thought this article was interesting. Not necessarily because of the
    new assurance level, but in reflecting on what Symantec is doing. Recall
    a year and a half ago (or so) they bought up a bunch of companies,
    broadening their scope of infosec products and services: and IDS company
    in the bay area (as mentioned below), security focus, a managed security
    firm (on the east coast, I believe).
    I'm not sure if this is a sign of them spreading themselves too thin, or
    really succeeding at positioning themselves as a one stop shop for
    enterprise security. I wonder what else they're up to.
    From ISTS:
       Title: Symantec scores a coup for its intrusion prevention tool
       Source:   Government Computer News
       Date Written:  January 26, 2004
       Date Collected: January 27, 2004
    Symantec has attained Assurance Level 3 under the Common Criteria for
    its ManHunt intrusion prevention system (IPS), the first IPS to achieve
    Level 3. ManHunt can monitor network traffic at speeds up to 2 gigabits
    per second, across interfaces up to 6 gigabits per second. The Common
    Criteria are recognized by nineteen nations, overseen in the United
    States by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the
    National Security Agency, and required for national security systems.

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