CRIME Oregon alliance pushes info-sharing standard

From: Sasha Romanosky (sasha_romanosky@private)
Date: Mon Mar 29 2004 - 21:35:10 PST

  • Next message: George Heuston: "CRIME FW: [Information_technology] Daily News 03.29.04"

    RAINS makes Dartmouth's ISTS's list! Congrats, RAINS
    Security In The News - March 29, 2004: (
    Title: Oregon alliance pushes info-sharing standard
    Source:   Federal Computer Week
    Date Written:  March 26, 2004
    Date Collected: March 29, 2004
    On March 29, 2004 Oregon's Regional Alliance for Infrastructure and
    Network Security (RAINS) will publish its Open Specification for
    Sensitive Information Sharing (OsSIS), designed to provide
    interoperability and data security for government networks. OSSIS is
    based on RAINS' Connect and Protect program, designed to connect
    geographically dispersed organizations into a centrally-managed and
    protected wide-area network. OSSIS promotes web services standards and
    proposes a RAIN-managed Universal Description, Discovery, and
    Integration registry to allow accredited RAINS participants to transact
    with each other. RAINS is promoting its framework for use in other
    states and localities. Homeland Security, which has a number of
    initiatives regarding information sharing, has discussed joining the
    program, but has made no final plan.
    	Also -,1759,1556003,00.asp

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