Re: CRIME Save a Chatlog... Go to Prison?

From: Michael Rasmussen (mikeraz@private)
Date: Wed Apr 14 2004 - 10:07:22 PDT

  • Next message: Tao, Greg: "CRIME FW: Hackers Strike Advanced Computing Networks"

    On Wed, Apr 14, 2004 at 09:46:53AM -0700, Mike Francis wrote:
    > There's a pretty good column on this in SecurityFocus. If you haven't
    > seen it:
    > It includes a discussion of the email question from the employer's
    > perspective. And it includes some wrinkles we haven't touched on -- for
    > example, compliance rules for broker-dealers requires the retention of
    > audit logs. Now, there's a question of whether that's legal.
    Because the SEC rules are in effect or actuality a law the question is which
    law prevails since, at least in New Hampshire, they seem to conflict.  
    Certainly anyone communicating with a broker, securities dealer or transfer
    agent should be aware of the SEC rules about retaining transcripts of calls
    and emails.
    I would think that this point has been addressed in the past.  New Hampshire
    can't be devoid of people who invest in mutual funds or the general market.
        Michael Rasmussen, Portland Oregon  
      Be appropriate && Follow your curiosity
       Get Fixed:
      The fortune cookie says:
    The discerning person is always at a disadvantage.

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