From: George Heuston (GeorgeH@private)
Date: Mon May 17 2004 - 14:32:51 PDT

  • Next message: George Heuston: "CRIME Fwd: High read - FYI unconfirmed information - Cyber Infrastructure"

    Can you folks who attended the CRIME meeting last week please go to the
    link below and take a quick feedback survey?
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Marenco, Marc [mailto:mm@private] 
    Sent: Monday, May 17, 2004 12:45 PM
    To: George Heuston
    Subject: RE: CRIME
    Could you do me a favor?   Could you go to this evaluation form and fill
    it out?
    If you think it appropriate for others who attended the meeting last
    week could you forward this link to them as well asking for evaluation
    of my presentation?
    If you have suggestions for questions to include please let me know.
    Thank you.
    Marc Marenco, D. Phil.
    Associate Professor of Philosophy
    Director, Pacific Institute for Ethics and Social Policy
    website: http://pacinst.pacificu.edu
    office phone: 503.352.2296
    fax: 503.352.2775
    -----Original Message-----
    From: George Heuston [mailto:GeorgeH@private] 
    Sent: Friday, May 14, 2004 3:30 PM
    To: Marenco, Marc
    Subject: RE: CRIME
    Hi Marc,
    I haven't heard back yet from Perry.  Yes, let's meet.  Can it be the
    week after next?
    Take care,
    From: Marenco, Marc [mailto:mm@private]
    Sent: Fri 5/14/2004 8:33 AM
    To: George Heuston
    Subject: RE: CRIME
    Hi George.  Were there any indications that Perry might be able to find
    the funds or is interested in using our intern? 
    Would like to meet again sometime in the next couple of weeks to talk
    about a variety of things.  What is your schedule like? marc
            -----Original Message-----
            From: George Heuston [mailto:GeorgeH@private]
            Sent: Thu 5/13/2004 8:33 AM
            To: Gruber, Perry L
            Cc: Andy Schroder; Marenco, Marc
            Subject: FW: CRIME
            Hi Perry,
            Dr. Marenco has located a high quality bi-lingual Masters in
    Education student at PU who would be perfect to assist you in the
    Adelante program.  Would you be able to spring for her stipend?  We have
    2 other MATS students from PU who will be running the Sunset Gardens and
    Learning Center TAPS this summer, expanding the open times, and working
    on/delivering new content and curricula to the kids and adults.  HPD has
    picked up their stipends.  Hope you can make it to the meeting today at
    HPD re P4K.  If so, we can discuss further.
            Take care,
            -----Original Message-----
            From: Marenco, Marc [mailto:mm@private]
            Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2004 7:40 AM
            To: George Heuston
            Subject: RE: CRIME
            Great. Thanks, George.
            Can you talk with Perry to see if we might be able to find $2500
    for one more intern? She is quite keen and talented.  This would be
    20hrs/wk for 9 wks.
            Look forward to continuing collaborations.
            Marc Marenco, D. Phil.
            Associate Professor of Philosophy
            Director, Pacific Institute for Ethics and Social Policy
            website: http://pacinst.pacificu.edu
            office phone: 503.352.2296
            fax: 503.352.2775
                    -----Original Message-----
                    From: George Heuston [mailto:GeorgeH@private]
                    Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 3:20 PM
                    To: Marenco, Marc
                    Subject: RE: CRIME
                    Outstanding presentation Marc!  We've had very good
    feedback, all positive.  This provoked a lot of soul-searching and
    spin-off discussions.  CRIME <http://crime.zotconsulting.com/index.php3>
    stands for Computer-Related Investigations, Management, and Education.
                    Thanks again!
                    -----Original Message-----
                    From: Marenco, Marc [mailto:mm@private]
                    Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 3:09 PM
                    To: George Heuston
                    Subject: CRIME
                    Thanks for the invitation to speak to your group.  I
    hope it went ok from your perspective.  Could you remind me of what
    CRIME stands for?  I've lost the URL.
                    Marc Marenco, D. Phil.
                    Associate Professor of Philosophy
                    Director, Pacific Institute for Ethics and Social Policy
                    website: http://pacinst.pacificu.edu
                    office phone: 503.352.2296
                    fax: 503.352.2775
                            -----Original Message-----
                            From: George Heuston
                            Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 11:14 AM
                            To: Alesha R. Adamson
                            Cc: Marenco, Marc
                            Subject: FW: Meeting with Airway Sciences,
    HowGoes, and working lunch
                            Importance: High
                            -----Original Message-----
                            From: George Heuston
                            Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2004 11:12 AM
                            To: 'p4k@private'
                            Cc: Bruce Parks
                            Subject: Meeting with Airway Sciences, HowGoes,
    and working lunch
                            Importance: High
                            Sorry for the very short notice, but we are
    meeting tomorrow with a new P4K partner Airway Sciences
    <http://www.airwayscience.org/>  and we invite all of you who can make
    it to come.  We will hear about their awesome program for
    underprivileged kids, and will also review where we've been and where
    we're going.  We've made great progress with the kids at Sunset Gardens
    since we put the lab in there to 'bridge the digital divide.'
                            Hope to see you there!  If you can make it,
    please ping Lt. Bruce Parks cc'd above, so we can ensure we have enough
    goodies for lunch.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Mon May 17 2004 - 15:27:39 PDT