CRIME FW: Oregon State Police Office of Public Safety & Security: Meeti ng Notice

From: Kuo, Jimmy (Jimmy_Kuo@private)
Date: Mon May 24 2004 - 15:51:28 PDT

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    -----Original Message-----
    From: Gresielda Castillo
    To: Gresielda Castillo
    Sent: 5/24/04 11:23 AM
    Subject: Oregon State Police Office of Public Safety & Security: Meeting
    When: June 24, 2004, 7:30 AM - 12 Noon
    Where: Miller Hall, The World Forestry Center, (across from Portland
    Zoo), 4033 SW Canyon Road, Portland, Oregon 97221
    Cost: None
    Open to members and non-members
    What is Oregon InfraGard: Oregon InfraGard is a public agency and
    private industry effort toward protecting our interconnected critical
    infrastructures.  Go to for more information.
    POC is Oregon InfraGard Coordinator, FBI Special Agents Mike Ruffner or
    Phil Slinkard at 503.224.4181.
    0730-0800  Registration & Coffee
    0800-0815  Introduction and Opening Remarks
    0815-0830  Beverly Venell, Director, Oregon Office of Homeland
    0830-0900  Interdependency Exercise Update (from January meeting)
    0900-1000  Detective Steve Sigurdson and the Bomb Robot - Oregon State
    Police Bomb Squad - "Identification and Safety Procedure for Improvised
    Explosive Devices known as IED's"
    1000-1030  Break / Coffee / mixed sector networking opportunity
    1030-1145  PANEL DISCUSSION - "Transportation, Where We Were, Where We
    Are, and Where We Are Going"
    Panel Speakers: 
    -Captain Paul Jewell, United States Coast Guard, Captain of the Port
    for Oregon, SW Washington, and Idaho
    -Captain John Myers, Union Pacific Railroad Police, Security Chief,
    Portland, Oregon
    -Mr. Tim Garling, TRIMET, Manager of Field Operations
    1145-1200  Mr. Bob Windus, President, Oregon InfraGard, Closing remarks
    Next meeting: September 14, 2004 "What's Hot in Security Hardware - A
    Security Vendor Expo"
    Captain John P Salle
    Deputy Director for Law Enforcement
    Oregon Office of Homeland Security
    503.378.6517, Ext. 270

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Mon May 24 2004 - 16:16:49 PDT