Hey Ivan, Someone mentioned can opener. I looked at the webpage and it seems it would be great to strip all the web requests however I can not see any mention of it striping the Image files out. URLologist sounds like a mac program that would do the same thing it can be obtained from tucows, there should be a pc equivlent. If you go to word and use the "recover text from" option when you open the file it should help a lot if you are not going to use the above tools and do searches fro http or jpg. I have found heaps of netscape cache views but i have had problems finding ones for IE. You could try the netscape ones there are a heap at tucows. I used regedit (which looks at the files registry and settings) and the cache.waf file does not have a resource fork. Using a hex editor might come out with more information but basics like URLS are viewable using a text editor. BTW BBedit is a really powerful text editing tool which has greps and lots of other features. The history.html file does not include details about the content of the files such as images recently used just the base url. Hope this helps just let me know if you want me if you need any more information. Daniel Heinonen Computer Systems Officer Faculty of Art QUT <<<<<<<<<< SAMPLE FROM CACHE.WAF using a text editor >>>>>>>>>>>>>> </table> <p> </p> </div> </body> </html> </body> </html> <P><HR><B>Execution Time</B><P><PRE>184 milliseconds</PRE>post b XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXcate y1yb /·&5·Jū5 E D ntry (7'ÅIęåŃŠIoī ĘJH© S óurl /http://support.cdes.qut.edu.au/images/info.jpg bsrl xhttp://support.cdes.qut.edu.au/index.cfm?fuseaction=reservations&subaction=cliententry&action=displaycalender&keyid=226 mime image/jpeg hntt "2b1d3-be0-3aa050b2" hvrs data ’Ų’ą JFIF H H ’ķPhotoshop 3.0 8BIMķ G’“ G’“ 8BIM x8BIMó 8BIM 8BIM' 8BIMõ H /ff lff /ff ” 2 Z 5 - 8BIMų p ’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’č ’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’’č ’ YzåŁc}ŠvļõlÉČ~>3[é\śėߌ³e8µ’ ģk槒 IdżdÄł#ģŹjĒuÖ×CŖ¶¦KŖĢr1ŲÖ»ōUŻKŅ§GČĪĶTyĖk¶å¾?BŚæFw3»Õs;ž5^ū7R’ ¹’ ¶GžM`Y]ĪŪ]Õæ°=ĶµßkŚ+}xšļ ēżQŖbäÕSÓĒe~Ģ\ėĻÓ¹Ģo®ēÖß Öõk·ł“;„épmÉ7dŃ`“Ņę¼7nhŃ$¹üģĢl3A~ &§3vEĢ±öTĀ,49»čŖ×Ößoó·1’ I**’ŠõTŹ©$§ź„vć’ Į|®J~©\’ ÖØß?²~’ yķ <<<<<<<<<< SAMPLE FROM HISTORY.HTML using a web browser >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> History History The Sloppy AppleScript Archive http://srd.yahoo.com/goo/cache.waf+read+view/4/* Yahoo! Search Results for cache.waf read view Yahoo! The iMac NewsPage Š Another Look at Internet Explorer 4.5 http://srd.yahoo.com/goo/cache.waf+read+view/3/*http://adforceonline.com/newspage/1999/19990119_explorer45.shtml Slashdot | Serious Security Flaw in MSIE 5.01, 5.5 http://search.yahoo.com/bin/search?p=cache.waf+read+view Academy of Arts Support WebSite Privacy Tips for MicroSoft's Internet Explorer http://srd.yahoo.com/goo/cache.waf+view/2/*http://www.phaster.com/unpretentious/browsing_micro$oft.html Yahoo! Search Results for cache.waf view http://search.yahoo.com/bin/search?p=cache.waf+view Tuesday, 29 May 2001 Hotmail Inbox At 09:01 AM 28/05/01 +1000, you wrote: >Hello All, > I have been asked to extract the urls, timestamps etc from a >"cache.waf" file on a MAC. >I do not have any info on the version of the MAC OS or the version of IE it >is running. What tools can be used to extract the data from this file? > >Thanks in Advanced >Ivan
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