Re: Registry Key LastWrite times

From: Frank Heyne (
Date: Wed May 30 2001 - 23:36:33 PDT

  • Next message: daniel heinonen: "RE: Registry Key LastWrite times"

    On 31 May 01, at 13:35, Tan Sze Yan wrote:
    > This is interesting. If I got the message correctly, you actually meant
    > that every registry key (such as
    > HKLM/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Control/PriorityControl) has a timestamp
    > (for last write), not just each registry hive (such as HKLM or HKCU).
    Yes, like every file. 
    > Are there any programs for this purpose? 
    I am not aware of any, but it should be not too much work to write one.
    If nobody else knows such a program, I can imagine to enhance RegTools 
    ( with such a tool.
    > Or which system calls can be used? 
    RegEnumKeyEx and RegQueryInfoKey
    Frank Heyne

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