Re: New hashing tool released

From: Bennett Todd (betat_private)
Date: Mon Jun 18 2001 - 10:17:56 PDT

2001-11-09-11:50:44 H C:
> I've posted a CLI version of my Hasher file hashing
> tool at my site:

Compatible output can be produced with the (lengthy:-) perl cmdline:

perl -MDigest::MD5 -MDigest::SHA1 -MIO::File -le \
  'for(@ARGV){print join ",",$_,

Typing such a cmdline isn't for just anyone, of course, but knowing
how to invoke this can be handy for snaffling hashes when you don't
happen to have a cmdline tool lying conveniently to hand.

While I've not yet gotten around to actually writing the thing, I've
felt for a while that the really handy component to have about would
be a hashing tool that emits not the hex encoding, but the RFC
1751-style easy-to-read/transcribe/compare-by-eye version, as
originally specified for S/Key.

My feeling is that for forensic work, the very most useful move
would be to aggregate whatever evidence you wish to preserve, run up
the hash, and transcribe it into a paper log, thereby moving
questions of chain of evidence and whatnot into a domain where
people are at least accustomed to dealing with them.


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