BOOK: Computer Forensics and Privacy

From: aleph1at_private
Date: Thu Sep 13 2001 - 17:36:49 PDT

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    Computer Forensics and Privacy
    ISBN 1-58053-283-7
    Michael Caloyannides
    394 pages.
    As society has become increasingly reliant on computers for document 
    creation and information storage and transmittal, the amount of 
    unauthorized theft of sensitive information stored in (and transmitted 
    to/from) computers has increased correspondingly. This cutting-edge new 
    book delivers a comprehensive treatment of the emerging field of computer 
    forensics, making it a valuable resource for IT professionals in private 
    businesses and government organizations, as well as lawyers and law 
    enforcement professionals. It identifies the specific areas where sensitive 
    and potentially incriminating data is hiding in personal computers, and 
    explains how to go about truly removing this data because mere "deletion" or 
    even "overwriting" does not accomplish this. You get a systematic process for 
    installing operating systems and application software that will help to 
    minimize the possibility of security compromises, and numerous specific steps 
    that need to be taken to prevent the hostile exploitation of one's computer
    This unique resource provides a method for ensuring that computers that are 
    connected to the Internet are protected from malicious mobile code (code 
    that can allow a remote hacker to read, remove, damage, or even add data to 
    one's computer) and from the new fashion of "adware/spyware." Moreover, you 
    learn how to detect whether advanced investigative tools, such as keystroke 
    storing and relaying hardware and software, are in use in a computer; you 
    also learn of commercially available capabilities for intercepting radio 
    signals unintentionally radiated by a computer. Other critical topics include 
    the pitfalls of encryption and how to use it effectively, the practical 
    aspects of online anonymity, and the current legal issues that pertain to 
    the use of computers. Features over 70 illustrations that emphasize key 
    points throughout the book.
    Elias Levy
    Si vis pacem, para bellum
    This list is provided by the SecurityFocus ARIS analyzer service.
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    and tracking system please see:

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