Bootable CD Toolboxes

From: J. J. Horner (jhornerat_private)
Date: Thu Oct 04 2001 - 08:41:36 PDT

  • Next message: Bob Gottschalk: "Re: Computer Crimes Investigations-light reading"

    I just got a few LinuxCare Bootable Toolboxes (v 2.0) in the mail.  I like the concept.
    Has anyone reproduced this effort in the form of a forensics toolkit?
    I would think the following should be considered:
    - tct (without a doubt)
    - ability to use NFS mounting to store forensic data
    - ability to use a syslog daemon on another machine (laptop exporting nfs and syslog
    	would solve the above 2 issues).
    - ability to get sigs from partitions
    Any other thoughts?
    J. J. Horner
    Freedom is an all-or-nothing proposition:  either we 
    are completely free, or we are subjects of a
    tyrannical system.  If we lose one freedom in a
    thousand, we become completely subjugated.

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