Forensics for Solaris

From: Larry Dunn (larry.dunnat_private)
Date: Thu Oct 04 2001 - 16:11:29 PDT

  • Next message: Christine Siedsma: "Re: Steganography Searching"

    Has anyone developed a forensics toolkit for Solaris????
            /_____/\          Larry Dunn
           /____ \\ \         NEA SRS Engineering Program Manager
          /_____\ \\ /        Sun Microsystems
         /_____/ \/ / /       5500 Corporate Drive   Suite 350
        /_____/ /   \//\      Pittsburgh, PA 15237
        \_____\//\   / /
         \_____/ / /\ /       Phone:    (412) 369-4355
          \_____/ \\ \        Fax:      (412) 364-6520
           \_____\ \\         Pager:    866-537-7131
            \_____\/          Email:    larry.dunnat_private
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