hiding data on NTFS drives

From: H C (keydet89at_private)
Date: Wed Dec 05 2001 - 12:54:39 PST

  • Next message: Steve: "RE: hiding data on NTFS drives"

    I did a quick test today...I updated Norton AntiVirus
    2000 w/ the latest sig files, and disabled
    AutoProtect.  I then copied 'tini.exe' (backdoor
    trojan from NTSecurity.nu) from a CD to c:\temp.  I
    then scanned the directory, and Norton picked up the
    backdoor right away.
    I then moved the trojan to an alternate data stream
    c:\temp>type tini.exe > myfile.txt:tini.exe
    c:\temp>del tini.exe
    Re-running the scan produced NO results.  Yet,
    tini.exe is clearly (well, 'clearly' if you use other
    tools not available from Microsoft) shows the presence
    of the file in the ADS:
    C:\tools>ads c:\temp
    Scanning directory c:\temp\
          size  ADS in file
    ----------  ---------------------------------
          3072  c:\temp\myfile.txt:tini.exe
    Now, considering that there are at least 5 methods of
    running files from within ADSs on NTFS5 (only 1
    documented method on NTFS4), how does this bode for
    the future of incident response and forensics?
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