Re: Methodologies

From: Kurt Seifried (bugtraqat_private)
Date: Tue Apr 02 2002 - 20:51:44 PST

  • Next message: Brian Carrier: "TASK 1.00 & Autopsy 1.50 release"

    Something to remember: methodology is only half the battle. Keeping a proper
    chain of evidence is just as critical. I don't care how badly you screw up
    the forensic examination, as long as you do not damage the original, or lose
    the chain of evidence we can always take another shot at the examination,
    hire someone else, etc. But if the chain of evidence is contaminated or the
    original is damaged we are SOL and no amount of technical wizardry will make
    a difference, a court will not accept it (although you can probably use it
    for out of court things like scaring the guilty party into admission/etc.).
    Also important to remember: are you acting as an agent for the police, if
    yes the rules change a lot (like you may need to get a warrant to examine
    the computer, even if your company owns it), so when/how you bring the
    police in is an important choice. Talk to your legal counsel as always.
    Peace out.
    Kurt Seifried, kurtat_private
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