Identifying and dating MS operating systems?

From: Mark G. Spencer (dreadnoughtat_private)
Date: Thu Sep 05 2002 - 08:13:16 PDT

  • Next message: Don Mills: "Re: Router Investigations"

    I am looking for recommendations on how to accurately identify and date
    Microsoft operating systems, in particular Windows 95/98/ME/2K/XP, when
    analyzing images of systems.
    I am aware of the registry key "FirstInstallDateTime" for dating the
    operating system installation.  I am not clear however on whether this
    key represents the first installation of that particular version of
    Windows (e.g. an upgrade date, 98->2K) or does this date first install
    date of any MS operating system on that machine, regardless of upgrades?
    Are there better ways to identify:
    1.) The installation date of the current version of MS operating system,
    2.) The installation date of the first MS operating system on a machine?
    Also, in terms of identification, would registry keys be the most
    authoritative way to determine which version of MS operating system is
    Thanks for the assistance,
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